Monday, December 21, 2009

Budding in Winter

Today I saw buds. Not on the trees--but as I looked at my little girl. I have been an admirer for many years of many components of her personality, but I must admit that it feels like she is so often pushing my buttons that I fail to appreciate her as I should.

After I had read a very CLEVER Christmas card (yes--you Liz/Dan Player!) to S#1 the word "budding" came up for discussion. As I explained the meaning to her I had a flood of thoughts enter my mind. All of the ways--just today--that she is growing up and continually becoming more fabulous and amazing--to me.

Now, lest you worry, this is not a bragging post. Simply one of those "ah hah!" moments when you recognize how blind you have been.

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be a mother to my two little people. I am even more thankful for the moments that I realize what a sacred role it is.

I have been privileged to be with child during the Christmas season through each of my pregnancies. Each time I have considered Mary and her thoughts about giving birth to the Messiah. In Luke 2 we read about the birth of the Savior and all of the excitement regarding his entrance to the world. My favorite verse--reads:
But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart (v. 19).
Mary was aware of who He was and His role--I am sure she was in awe more often than not. Although my intention is not to liken my little one to the Savior, I can't deny the admiration I feel for her and all of the good in her. Today she has awed me.


s g said...

oh I love this post...I remember seeing this painting (or giclee) in the women's room at the temple when I was great with child with char. similar thoughts went through my head, it is wonderful to be a mom.

Rachel said...

I often think we have some of the same experiences with our two oldest-child girls. There is so much I admire about mine, as well; she has far more courage and determination and SPUNK than I did at her age. And it will serve her well, I'm sure. But I often have to remind myself that when she pushes my buttons it's nothing personal, but that I am her safe "sounding-board" for how to use those attributes in the real world.

Hurrah for strong, amazing girls who will undoubtedly grow up to become strong, amazing women!

Ashley K. said...

I love you, and thank you for your inspiring words. I too love S#1 and her budding attributes.

p.s. Bailey thinks Syd's hair looks soooooo cute!

LizzyP said...

Would you believe that letter was Dan's doing? I'm not remotely even that funny. I'm flattered you think I'm clever.

I love those moments when they seem still so little but suddenly so big all at once.

By the way, have you seen The Nativity? (The Hollywood version, not a Church version.) Oh, I love that movie.

Katie said...

I think that's a great comparison, because in so many ways our children are not our own. Our job is to guide and protect them, while watching them unfold into the amazing people they're meant to be. I keep hearing about girls and the pushing of buttons- is this in my future!? I guess boys are less intentional (but no less effective!) in their acting up:).

Brooke said...

Love this post. One of my favorite pics of Mary and Joseph. I always pause to look at it in the DC temple. Thanks for sharing!