Friday, February 5, 2010

A little update.

You don't suppose he just pinched her do you?


Belkycita said...

Love the green!!
Wow, your kids are so big now.

Katie said...

Precious. And you make me nostalgic for the days when Marley would allow hair accessories on her head!

Kaeli & Kyle said...

Oh she is so cute! Cant wait to meet her... someday. And Syds hair is SO cute!

Katrina said...

She is so precious! I'm so glad that I can say that she is even more precious in person!! S#2 looks so much like his dad in that picture!

s g said...

that face on Simon is priceless...aren't they little stinkers some times?? carmen is getting some cute little cheeks :) I love syd's haircut too...

gardening said...

Oh for cute!!!
Love those cute little kids. Why dont you guys go on a trip and let me keep them?

Camille said...

super cute kiddos!
Love Sid's hair :)

Thought of you guys today--I'm at a work conference and heard from a Boise cop. Sounds like you guys have some cool stuff in your community :)

Jenni said...

been waiting for a picture update....they are all ADORABLE!!!

Cailean said...

Adorable!!!! What a sweet little baby! Your kids look beautiful and happy. Elijah still pinches/pokes Lucy. What is it about boys and their younger sisters!?!?!? Cause and effect???

Ashley K. said...

LOve it! SOOOOOOO cute. CAn't wait to see you.

Jennifer Isom said...

I love those cheeks! She is plumping up nicely! We'll be coming through Boise enroute to Seattle in June. Wondering if we can stop and see you on the way back home?

Jennifer Isom said...
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Brooke said...

Oh, there is something semi-new here! She is beautiful. And S&S look so big - S#2 has especially grown up soooo much! It was great to chat today! Miss you!