Tuesday, February 10, 2009


He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young. Isaiah 40:11

This week has been a hopeful one for me. There are often Sunday nights I find myself anxious about what the new week will bring. This last Sunday night I went to bed in peace--even with a bit of JOY and anticipation.

Although I have shared a few times how I value my role as a mother, it is surely something that has been more difficult than I had ever imagined. Satan is constantly at work in encouraging me to see and seek my failures as a parent and homemaker. When he's doing his job well (or when I am not as strong as I should be) I live anxiously and negatively.

Today while studying Isaiah 40 I was impressed by the verse I included above. Although the phrase "and shall gently lead those that are with young" may be literally referring to pregnant sheep, today and probably forever now, I am choosing to think that it is referring to Christ gently leading mothers who so desperately need Him.

I do.

Gathering is hard for me and I do a lot of it as a mother. I gather clothes, toys, books, garbage, food--those things aren't too difficult. But gathering little people--more difficult. Getting my little people out the door (pretty much anywhere) tests me. I am striving to be more gentle.

It is interesting to me that we hear gather in the Old and New Testament, Book of Mormon and Doctrine and Covenants. Christ continually gathers. Additionally, when there are scriptural accounts of Christ being near children they are brought to him. He gathered and He blessed them. He was gentle.

I find that when my kids and I have gathered a stack of books and then gather to the couch we experience my greatest moments of the day. Oh that I will gather more gently and more often there and that I will remember that he is gently leading me . . .


Denita said...

Great post! I have often peeked in on your blog and feel many of the same exact feeling about my experience of motherhood as you do. I always thought it would be so easy for me, but I too find that I am not as strong as I should be. I too am striving to be more patient and kind with my darling, innocent children. I love your insight here. Thanks!!

Brittany said...

Andrea, thanks so much for your insight into a very powerful piece of inspiration--I have needed this this week especially. I understand perfectly your frustrations with yourself and your children--I experience them myself on a daily basis and am constantly wondering how I can improve before my kids will be old enough to remember me losing it more than once every single day. Tomorrow I will remember that I am being gently led. Thank you, thank you.

Brittany said...

Oh, this is Brittany Gledhill from Seattle 7th ward days.

Cailean said...

Oh that's my favorite part of the Messiah ("He Shall Feed His Flock"). And what a topic! I think you could write a whole talk or a whole book about it and I hope you do because your thoughts are so focused and refining. I have actually been reading a food storage blog - Safely Gathered In - and I'm seeing the "gathering" theme here...12 tribes, etc. I think the Lord knows that we cannot get to our end goal alone - we must be gathered together in so many ways (temporally, spiritually). To think about the responsibility we have as mothers over our children and in our homes...it can really be daunting. I think the Lord only expects us to do our absolute best at each moment of the day, understanding that we will (and MUST) fail many times in order to later succeed. Andrea, you are such a cherished friend and person. Please keep sharing your thoughts! They help me (and others, I'm sure) grow!!!

Amy said...

Look at this great blog you've got! Look at all of these people you are touching and discussions you are starting! I was also enlightened and encouraged by your words in many ways, and if you ever do write the book Cailean suggests, I'll buy a copy.

Rachel said...

Did you write this just for me? Because it is exactly what I needed this morning! Gentle is a word I have been trying to apply to my parenting (and myself!), as well ... thank you Andrea!

Ashley K. said...

This was such a great post Mae. Thank you for the reminder to be more gentle. Tuesday's are always rough for me with patience. I love you.

Ty said...

I loved that! I have this little 3.5 yr old girl that has decided to test her mother in many ways. Whatever confidence I built up with my boys during their toddler years I am loosing fast. I loved what you wrote. I pray that I too will be gently led.

Church Fam said...

That was Tiffany not Ty, You might have guessed that though. :)

Lindsey said...

thank you for that beautiful, inspiring post

Jason and Kate said...

That was so sweet! I get hard on myself too sometimes as well as anxious but I always have to remind myself...what is the worst that can happen? So, if he gets up at night, Oh well! Thanks for your thoughts. I will try to be more patient as well.

s g said...

so, yelling at your kids to get in the bath right now or no stories maybe isn't the best way to 'gather'? :) ha ha...this was a great post, ditto to everyone's comments, g and I are CONSTANTLY praying for more help in the parenting dept., it is so easy to feel like a failure.

thanks for sharing your insights!

becca said...

i love this post. thanks for sharing your testimony about Christ and how he is leading you and helping you to be a better mom. i loved it!

Susy Cotterell said...

Hi Andrea! What a wonderful post. We all need reminders of our Savior's love as we do our best to raise these incredible little spirits. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who prays for patience. I was hoping you could email me your contact info. Speaking of incredible spirits, Jaydee Bateman gave our family hand written recipe books for several high school friends. You were one of them, and I want to send it to you. My email address is susy_cotterell@hotmail.com. I hope all is going well for your beautiful family. Take care! Susy

Brooke said...

I have tears. Thanks for this beautiful post. Sorry I haven't called back - Rachel and I have been sick (again) but I am feeling better today. Reading this post reminds me of all the insight you have always given me into the scriptures for what . . . almost 15 years!? You are a blessing!

Eliason Style said...

Andrea, thank you, thank you for this.

Mona said...

Thanks for your inspiration. I often look at you and find great traits that I would like to implement in myself. I love your deep thoughts.